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From a letter
You with sweeping vines for a waist,
I frown that my hand, my tongue would touch
you, and your sweeping vines that bear
their solid, moist grapes.
Your lips would kiss in the water
the reflection of your lips,
when you were still your only lover,
and had never known a man.
The foaming sea resembles you
when it reaches to the sun;
were I a cloud, I would abduct you;
were I fish, I'd swim away.
And when the seagulls beat at you
their muscled, perfect wings,
why does my heart climb
to my mouth, why do my insides turn to eyes,
to eyes that spin towards you?
Mektup'tan by Ercüment Behzat Lav
Translated September 26, 2020
lara arikan
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